• August 2024 Meeting

    Wednesday, August 28 • 6:30pm • Lititz Library

    We meet on the LAST Wednesday of every month!

  • September 2024 Meeting

    Wednesday, September 25 • 6:30pm • Lititz Library

    We meet on the LAST Wednesday of every month!

  • Moving Warwick forward.

    Our mission is to build a strong Democratic community and elect Democratic candidates within Lititz Borough, Warwick Township, and Elizabeth Township in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

2024 General Election Guide

2024 Endorsed Candidates

Help us make a difference in Warwick.

We are 100% volunteer-powered and funded by community donations. Your contribution helps us reach local voters, support Democratic candidates, and fight for progressive values.


  • Register to Vote!

    Register to Vote!

    Become a voter and make your voice heard! It’s easy to register to vote or update your voter registration online!

  • Apply to Vote-by-Mail

    Apply to Vote-by-Mail

    Any PA voter may request to vote by mail. You must request a mail-in ballot every year if you want to vote by mail.

  • Check your Voter Status

    Check Your Voter Status

    Check at least once a year to make sure your voter registration info is correct and up-to-date. Put it on your calendar!

  • Polling Place Lookup

    Polling Place Lookup

    Look up your polling place, get driving or walking directions for election day, and check accessibility options.